Easy Spatial Insights: Interactive Analysis with County Property Data

<p>Expanding on our previous article,&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@gisjohnecs/unlocking-spatial-insights-a-guide-to-loading-and-querying-county-parcel-data-from-esri-feature-f6379a314c83" rel="noopener"><em>Unlocking Spatial Insights: Loading County Parcel Data from Esri Feature Services</em></a>&nbsp;where we explored accessing county property data without an ArcGIS License via the ArcGIS REST Framework. Now, let&rsquo;s dive deeper into the process. We&rsquo;ll illustrate how we turned this data into an interactive mapping application that retrieves, visualizes, and enhances the data interaction.</p> <p>To do this we are going to simply use Google Collab &mdash; it&rsquo;s a free to use Python Notebook environment that makes setting up Notebooks a breeze, you can apply the code here into stand alone applications or through Jupyter Notebooks but lets keep it easy.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@gisjohnecs/easy-spatial-insights-interactive-analysis-with-county-property-data-a10251e4ccd8"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Property Data