Why Technology Is A Proper Mess. For Now.

<p>Getting anything done with apps, on websites, in the workplace, buying things online, from insurance to a pair of boots, figuring out how to schedule a meeting, contacting customer service, booking a hotel or a flight is a bit messy right now. It was supposed to have been wonderfully simple, quick and slick. Instead, it&rsquo;s more complicated than ever. And in some ways getting worse. Why? Will it get better?</p> <p>In the long run, yes, it all will likely get better. Not in some ideal utopian way. Technologies, like culture, are ever changing, improving, becoming obsolete, converging, compounding, evolving and devolving. This is because they come from our imaginations and that in itself is quite amazing.</p> <p><a href="https://gilescrouch.medium.com/whey-technology-is-a-proper-mess-for-now-5e19e0850091"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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