Projective Transformation: A Key to Computer Vision Excellence — Machine Learning Site

<p>When we work with images and real-world objects, we want to collect their coordinates and project them onto a plane for simplification. Such applications are useful in areas like self-driving cars, computer vision, and many more. Such projections involve transforming the coordinates of the points from one space to another. In this blog, we will talk about this transformation. This transformation involves coordinates in Euclidean and Homogeneous space, hence we will start by understanding those terms. Later in this blog, we will implement this concept into a small Python application.</p> <p><em>[Note that throughout this blog, I will use the terms &lsquo;homogeneous&rsquo; and &lsquo;projective&rsquo; interchangeably].</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>