How to start writing high quality code at any point of your programming journey

<p>This attribute measures the degree to which parts of your code can be reused in other (entirely different) projects. The degree to which your code is reusable is largely based on how tightly it&rsquo;s coupled with the rest of your code base.<br /> An example of code reuse would be building a user authentication sequence for a fun social media app for your company and then being able to reuse this authentication sequence in a payroll management system without needing the rest of the code base for the social media site.<br /> A perfect real life example is that of car tyres&hellip;those babies will generally work on any car as long as they are the right size. Notice how their use on any particular car is independent of the design of the rest of the car.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>