Getting Things Done as a Product Manager

<p>In this article, I will share some tips for remaining organized, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks, and prioritizing the most important work.</p> <p>Product managers are notoriously busy. Between discovery work, delivery work, stakeholder management, and collecting inputs and feedback from across the organization, it can be hard to keep track of everything you are supposed to do, while also having enough time to plan ahead and think about the future of the product.</p> <h1>Establish a leak-proof collection system</h1> <p>Task management starts with a leak-proof collection system. The collection system consists of a few &ldquo;approved&rdquo; collection points for tasks. Typically, these will include your email inbox and Slack, but could also include physical collection points like paper on your desk, or a notebook. What&rsquo;s important is that these collection points can permanently hold incoming tasks until you have triaged them.</p> <p>The mind is a popular but &ldquo;unapproved&rdquo; collection point (since it doesn&rsquo;t satisfy the permanence requirement). When you think of something you need to do, write it down in one of the approved collection points.</p> <h1>Triage incoming tasks</h1> <p>The items in the collection points are then regularly triaged. To make it sound less fancy, this most often means &ldquo;reading your emails and messages&rdquo;.</p> <p>Triaging means processing the items from the collection points into a single task list and your calendar. The single task list means you only have one place to look for what you need to do. The calendar is for time-bound activities.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>