Product Management in AI-ML

<p>In this article, I will walk you through a complete Machine Learning Product Lifecycle and describe a Product Manager&rsquo;s role in it. I do not define Product Management in too much detail. As a PM of AI-ML products, one needs to do everything that a PM does and, in addition to that, take care of specific AI/ML-related duties, which are described in this article.</p> <p>The article also doesn&rsquo;t dwell on different applications of ML. It assumes that the PM or a business leader has identified an application and wants to apply ML to it. I rather emphasize that finding a &ldquo;real&rdquo; problem is one of the most critical tasks for a PM in a Machine Learning project.</p> <p>Lastly, I have aimed to be comprehensive yet consumable so that readers don&rsquo;t save it on their digital memories and never get to it. Hence a few basic items will not be defined here; a quick google or a GPT search will suffice. :)</p> <p><strong>Contents:</strong><br /> 1. What is Product Management<br /> 2. PM in ML/AI &mdash; Be Strategic<br /> 3. PM responsibilities in complete ML Life Cycle<br /> Scoping &rarr; Data &rarr; Modeling &rarr; Validation &rarr; Deployment<br /> 4. Additional comments<br /> 5. Tools and techniques</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: AI ML