How the Practice of Putting Pen to Paper Can Improve Your Product Leadership

<p>My older brother recently passed away. It was very sudden and unexpected. As I ride the waves of grief over the past several days, I&rsquo;ve started to think about all the memories and stories from growing up with someone who I consider a remarkable human. (Albeit growing up, I thought of him more as the annoying brother who kept stealing the TV remote control; my how times change!)</p> <p>I have been desperate to capture memories, images and emotions and piece them together into something I can share at his upcoming celebration of life. I talked with a friend of mine who is a professor in creative writing and award-winning poet for some advice on how to tackle this seemingly impossible task. Step one, she said, was &ldquo;write them down. Use paper and pencil, not a keyboard.&rdquo;</p> <p>When I asked why, she said simply, &ldquo;it&rsquo;s more organic. You are connecting more directly with the thought.&rdquo;</p> <p>It was one of those moments when I was being given a taste of my own medicine. I&rsquo;m constantly telling my coaching clients to capture their thoughts, to track their actions, decisions, fears, doubts and concerns by just writing them down. &ldquo;Grab a pen or pencil and write it down!&rdquo;</p> <p>The action of doing just that over the past few days has given me a much needed release and has made me even more curious about the benefits of actually stepping away from the digital device and using pen or pencil and paper to help process emotions, events and thoughts &mdash; be it for personal or professional situations.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>