Discussing the challenges faced by Product Designers in 2023

<p>As Product Designers, we are adept at facing challenges and&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/zalando-design/how-to-navigate-ambiguity-in-product-design-8c5eeb4eba7d" rel="noopener">navigating ambiguity</a>. But, in 2023, the problem-solving turned to our wider industry. At the outset, there was economic uncertainty. Then artificial intelligence&nbsp;<em>entered the chat</em>. Advancing more rapidly than any of us could have predicted, and promising to impact our lives as creative professionals, AI has generated further unknowns in the ever-changing landscape of product design.</p> <p>The challenges are known, so how can we begin to find solutions to help us&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/zalando-design/inspiring-the-future-of-design-at-ixdas-interaction-23-conference-1949a3b0efe4" rel="noopener">approach the future</a>&nbsp;with more confidence? At Berlin Design Week 2023, we dived into this process as Product Designers do best: by putting our heads together.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/zalando-design/discussing-the-challenges-faced-by-product-designers-in-2023-cf33f60115cc"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>