How I Stopped Procrastinating on Staying Still and Learned to Start Living

<p>Hi, I&rsquo;m Freddie. I am always moving and for the first time recently I was forced to be still, just for a little while.</p> <p>Actually, to backtrack a moment, that&rsquo;s my middle name. I want just a little bit of anonymity here while I&rsquo;m baring my soul, just to ease into it while I shift some of the shame of this deep, deep loneliness. I don&rsquo;t know if anyone else feels loneliness like I do but I hope if you&rsquo;re reading this, some part of it will speak to you. I hope to feel less alone in writing it.</p> <p>So. About me: My dad drinks a lot. My brother and one of my sisters don&rsquo;t speak to me even when we happen to be sharing the same roof. My mother is traumatised and deeply unhappy. My family calls me by my chosen name (finally, after eight long years of intense and painful awkwardness) but they don&rsquo;t know that I&rsquo;m trans. My other sister is currently sectioned after throwing herself out of her bedroom window and breaking her foot. My&nbsp;<em>other</em>&nbsp;other sister is pregnant and works long hours.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>