Linux: make your processes act nice

<p>The&nbsp;<code>nice</code>&nbsp;command allows to schedule the execution priority of processes. In other words controls how much CPU time will assigned to a process relative to other processes, this ensures that important processes get the CPU time is necessary to operate smoothly, Lets see how this works with some examples.</p> <h2>Syntax</h2> <p>The basic syntax for the&nbsp;<code>nice</code>&nbsp;command is</p> <pre> nice -n &lt;value&gt; &lt;program&gt; &lt;program args&gt;</pre> <p>the&nbsp;<code>-n</code>&nbsp;parameter can take values ranging from -20 (<strong>highest priority</strong>) to 19 (<strong>lowest priority</strong>)</p> <p>The default &ldquo;niceness&rdquo; for a process not started with&nbsp;<code>nice</code>&nbsp;is 0, the default &ldquo;niceness&rdquo; starting a program with&nbsp;<code>nice</code>&nbsp;but not using the&nbsp;<code>-n</code>&nbsp;parameter is 10 which is a lowest priority than 0.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Processes Act