Summary of The Price We Pay

<p>I picked up&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Marty Makary&rsquo;s book The Price We Pay</a>&nbsp;as I started looking into the price transparency problem in the USA. Family members, friends, and many colleagues complained about the surprise bills when they received care in America. I thought this was a big enough problem for me to apply some entrepreneurial chops to try and solve. The book gave me plenty of insights and ideas, and gave me a great place to start digging. For those that don&rsquo;t have an idea of how problematic the space is, I would recommend it.</p> <p><strong>Top takeaway</strong>: Price transparency and benchmarking are some of the best ways to lower healthcare costs in the US. I don&rsquo;t necessarily agree but Marty makes some decent arguments. See below or skip to the bottom section called &ldquo;So why is health care in the US so damn expensive?&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Price Pay