The Price of Acquisitions: How Big Pharma’s Big Purchases Can Mean Big Bills for Your Health

<p>Healthcare, a fundamental human right, shouldn&rsquo;t feel like a luxury cruise line &mdash; exorbitant price tag and all. Yet, this is the reality for many, thanks in part to the astronomical costs of new drugs. The pharmaceutical industry, a relentless engine of innovation, churns out life-saving (and life-changing) medications, but at a price that often leaves patients gasping for air. And we&rsquo;re forced to ask:&nbsp;<strong>are we paying too much for a healthy future?</strong></p> <p>GSK will buy asthma drug developers for up to $1.4 billion in a pipeline push. GSK&rsquo;s acquisition comes as the British firm seeks to boost its pipeline to keep up with rivals amid a flurry of deals in the pharmaceutical sector that has seen top drugmakers seeking to cash in on fast-paced developments in medical sciences by snapping up innovative biotechs. Significant deals include Bristol Myers Squibb&rsquo;s&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">BMY, -0.84%</a>&nbsp;$14 billion acquisition of Karuna Therapeutics. Those deals have to be paid for.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>