Trump Will NOT be President Again

<p>So I am starting to feel more confident than ever that there is no way in this world that Donald Trump can win in November. I&rsquo;ve been saying for the longest time now that his base has shrunk, leaving him mostly just the craziest of the crazies; that the math doesn&rsquo;t work, and that it&rsquo;s simply illogical to believe that&nbsp;<em>more</em>&nbsp;people not&nbsp;<em>less</em>&nbsp;would vote for him this year after having voted for Biden in 2020.</p> <p>Much of that was confirmed by the polling data and election results that came out of New Hampshire&rsquo;s Republican primary on Tuesday. Yes, Trump handily won by low double digits. But he did not win moderate Republicans, and he did not win independents. They went for Nikki Haley.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>