Day 1-Usage of simple present tense

<p>Meet Alex. He is a college student who loves basketball. Every afternoon, he goes to the basketball court near his house and shoots hoops for an hour. He believes that practice makes perfect and dreams of playing professionally one day. His friends often join him, and they have friendly matches. Alex&#39;s passion for basketball is evident in his dedication to improving his skills. He watches tutorial videos online and follows the games of professional players for inspiration. Alex&#39;s ultimate goal is to make his college basketball team and compete in tournaments.</p> <h1>**Exercise:**</h1> <p>Write a paragraph describing your daily routine using the simple present tense. Include activities you do regularly, such as waking up, eating meals, studying, working, and any other activities you typically do. Focus on using the correct form of verbs for each subject.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Present Tense