Everything Exists at Once: Past, Present, and Future

<p>&ldquo;Time&rdquo; is the most commonly used noun in the English language. The word itself is so versatile: we can kill time, do time, save it and spend it. Time even takes on a medicinal role when it comes to healing both physical and emotional wounds. Most of us wish we had more of it, and yet time persists both as an object of value and an enemy of every person on Earth. It is, eventually, the thing which kills all of us. And yet for all its pervasiveness in our everyday conversations, describing what time is doesn&rsquo;t come easily.</p> <p>Thinking of it in a common sense sort of way, one would imagine a universal clock which ticks at the same rate at all times and for all people. One second passing for me is also a second which passes for you and for every other person on this world or on any other. It is an event outside of our control, simply a characteristic of the universe like gravity or light. We experience it as a sweeping movement from the past and into the future, carrying us with it and leaving us helpless to do anything about it. The most unsettling part of time is also its most refreshing: the future unfolding before us, dictated by our actions and by an unpredictability than can bring both great or terrible happenings our way. But that part of our lives hasn&rsquo;t yet been written.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/predict/everything-exists-at-once-past-present-and-future-264b252e0748"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Present Future