Passing My ARB Part 1 & 2 Prescribed Examination

<p>The prospects of London as a global hub for architecture and design attract talent from around the world who migrate in hopes to expand their architectural knowledge. As these international students and professionals settle in, the intricate complexities of the architectural profession unfold themselves. One roadblock that I faced in establishing my career as an &lsquo;architect&rsquo; here was getting my overseas qualifications validated to ARB and RIBA standards. This may be straightforward for some individuals based on sometimes solely geopolitics, i.e, where your university degree was obtained from and whether there are any agreements or systems of recognition in place that can directly translate your qualifications to the UK standards without further ado. But with BREXIT and the UK&rsquo;s lack of professional trade deals with sufficient countries, this is unfortunately tricky for many.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>