Common mistakes in portfolios for ARB Part 1 & 2 Prescribed Exam

<p>To prepare your portfolio for the ARB Prescribed Exam, you must first understand how you will be evaluated and who be evaluating your work. ARB Prescribed Exams evaluate whether the applicant&#39;s overseas qualifications are equivalent to prescribed qualifications at the respective level in the UK. For example, if you are undertaking the Part 1 Prescribed Exam, the examiners are evaluating your works against Part 1 requirements as has been prescribed to Part 1 architectural courses in the UK. And as you have not undertaken this Part 1 degree in the UK, you must validate your overseas architecture degree through the Part 1 prescribed exam. These prescribed exams are eligibility requirements &mdash; making you eligible to join the architect&rsquo;s register upon successful completion of Part 1, 2 and 3 qualifications and 24 months of relevant professional experience. There are other routes to register which apply to eligible applicants from the EU, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and the USA as there are now several agreements in place between ARB and respective institutions of these countries to mutually recognise qualifications.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>