What I Wasn’t Prepared For

<p>When she was younger, my daughter and her friends climbed onto the roof of our apartment complex on a dare.</p> <p>My toddler ate a crayon. He didn&rsquo;t lick it. He bit off the tip, ate it, then went back for more!</p> <p>There was plenty about parenting that I was unprepared for when I had Rose. In my experience, much of first-time parenting isn&rsquo;t what we daydream it will be. I entered into it amid a vicious custody battle, so I was already pre-stressed.</p> <p>I had to learn about patience.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/modern-women/what-i-wasnt-prepared-for-insights-from-a-blind-mother-765aed0ffaab"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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