Day 4: Discrimination is real
<p>Discrimination is the “unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people” (Lexico, 2021) It is thereby closely related to stereotypes, prejudices and biases that have the power to shape people’s perception of others. Stereotypes are beliefs about how a certain group of people behaves, thinks or looks like. They are oversimplified generalizations. They may contain a small degree of truth which is then misinterpreted or exaggerated, or they may not contain any truth at all. Prejudices can lead to a certain (mainly negative) attitude or feeling about individuals/groups of people. They are often connected to the perception that these people are less capable/intelligent or worth less than others. And lastly, being biased includes having preferences for (or aversion to) certain people/things based on personal opinions, values or experiences. Here, prejudices and stereotypes can form the basis for biases.</p>
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