More than horned helmets. A personal top five of prehistoric headdresses

<p>People have always been inventive when it comes to clothing. Much of prehistoric fashion made from organic materials is gone for good. What is however preserved is a wide range of headgear made from more durable materials. And some of these headdresses from prehistory are really astonishing. Here is my personal top 5 of what you would wear in prehistory.</p> <p><strong>1-Being a shaman, 8.000 BC, in Northern Europe</strong></p> <p>Let&acute;s start with the famous Star Carr headdress, from the Mesolithic, c. 8.000 BC. It is worked from a red deer antler frontlet. Around 20 similar finds are known from the continent, e.g. from Biesdorf, Hohen Viecheln, K&ouml;nigshoven, Plau and Poggenwisch. They have been interpreted as camouflage worn by hunters, but also as paraphernalia of shamans.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>