Fine-tuning a GPT — Prefix-tuning

<p>In this and the next posts, I will walk you through the fine-tuning process for a Large Language Model (LLM) or a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT). There are two prominent fine-tuning methods. One is&nbsp;<strong>Prefix-tuning</strong>&nbsp;and the other is&nbsp;<strong>LoRA</strong>&nbsp;(Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models). This post explains Prefix-tuning and the next post &ldquo;<a href="" rel="noopener">Fine-tuning a GPT &mdash; LoRA</a>&rdquo; for LoRA. In both posts, I will cover a code example and walk you through the code line by line. In the LoRA article, I will especially cover the GPU-consuming nature of fine-tuning a Large Language Model (LLM)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fine