To Pray, Or Not To Pray

<p><strong>The Christ said it, and continues to tell us:&nbsp;</strong>&ldquo;The kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN!&rdquo; All in all, WE are the gods of this Earth. We control our destinies, build homes, and move mountains (with the help of machines that we created). We even create children in OUR images.</p> <p>I am not trying to disrespect anyone&rsquo;s conjured-up god; for now, I truly know that there is no god as portrayed in mankind&rsquo;s stories. This does not mean I serve the/or a devil; for he/she is not a real being as in conjured up stories either. This means that I have accepted the truth long ago, and I am in control of my own destiny. The religious masses tend to believe that because one does not believe in their conjured god, that one is lost. This is an evil judgment, done by people who claim they cannot be evil.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pray