In Praise of Istanbul

<p>Ali&rsquo;s mother had sent him to grab bread from the local bakery. She called out to him from the kitchen&ndash; breakfast was almost ready. Little plates with sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, 3 different types of black olives, 2 types of green olives -one pickled and the other stuffed with red peppers-, honey, 5 different types of jam, and cubed cheese took their place on the table. The menemen sizzled in the pan for another 30 seconds before she paced into Ali&rsquo;s room and threw his blanket on the floor.</p> <p>&ldquo;I&rsquo;m up mama&rdquo; squeaked Ali as he pulled his legs closer to his body to preserve some type of warmth. Ali wasn&rsquo;t up, his eyes were covered in boogers and the more he rubbed the more blurry his vision got.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>