What Actually Happened: My Past Six Months at The Synthesis Institute’s Psychedelic Practitioner Training

<p>In February 2022, I landed my dream job. As a professional educator passionate about transformational learning, spirituality studies, ecology, and expansion of consciousness, I had been following The Synthesis Institute, a global leader in the modern psychedelic movement, and their renowned educational program that was preparing the next generation of psychedelic facilitators. Their interdisciplinary approach to learning deeply honors ancient wisdom traditions alongside contemporary clinical research, so I was delighted to be asked to join a team of brilliant and talented colleagues across the US and Europe as Director of their Psychedelic Practitioner Core Training. The company was a startup, and I was ready to dive in and help shape the growing industry of psychedelic professionals.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@fredericahelmiere/what-actually-happened-my-past-six-months-at-the-synthesis-institutes-psychedelic-practitioner-356fcfaa2241"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>