Almost everything I know about the Powers of Sphinx

<p>Several schools of thought &mdash; such as the&nbsp;<em>Eleusinian Mysteries, Freemasonry and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn</em>, among others &mdash; show in their rituals that we now have access evidence that their&nbsp;<em>early Neophytes were often tested</em>&nbsp;in a fourfold, sometimes fivefold challenge. Those challenges was almost always related to the&nbsp;<em>four classic elements</em>, presented in a way that represented both&nbsp;<strong><em>a real physical challenge to be overcome and a philosophical challenge to be considered.</em></strong>Here I will not mention details of these rituals out of respect for the Brothers I share in one order or another, and because they are of no immediate importance to this exposition.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Powers Sphinx