3 Powerful Skin Hacks that WILL change your Skin for the Better

<p>Washing your face with simple cold water, without any product, is the number one booster, but many do this wrong &mdash;<strong>&nbsp;the REAL SECRET is to do it several times over a period of 2&ndash;3 hours</strong>&nbsp;(like before going on a date or meeting) &mdash; simply go to the bathroom, wash the whole face, several splashes &mdash; 7&ndash;10 splashes &mdash; and use a dry towel to dab away lightly.</p> <h2>2. Spoon Scrap your Face!</h2> <p>I learned this whilst on this meditation retreat in Asia &mdash; I laughed at it, but tried it, and was shocked at the dead skin cells or dirt that comes off, and how&nbsp;<strong>SHINY and SMOOTH it was after just 10 minutes of spoon scraping</strong>.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@tanya.wil/3-powerful-skin-hacks-that-will-change-your-skin-for-the-better-e1cf827acf1c"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Powerful Hacks