Our Powerful Owl Pair

<p>&ldquo;Hoo-hoo&hellip; hoo-hoo&hellip; hoo-hoo&hellip;&rdquo; The call of the Powerful Owl resonates in the cool air.&sup1;</p> <h2>Calls that Resonate</h2> <p>The owl could be a long way away, their calls can be heard more than a kilometre (0.6 miles) away. It&rsquo;s probably a female. The male call is much deeper in pitch. At this time of year (May) she&rsquo;s probably calling to tell the male to bring a snack to fortify her while she maintains the nest. She maintains the nest, prepared by the male before mating, on her own after laying. She will leave the nest when the babies don&rsquo;t need her warmth but will keep visiting with food until they fledge.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/gardening-birding-and-outdoor-adventure/our-powerful-owl-pair-3be36cd7df0"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Powerful Owl