The Ecology of Care and the Power of Healing

<p>The word&nbsp;<em>cure</em>&nbsp;comes from Latin and means &quot;the act of caring for or watching over&quot;. This simple meaning contains something profound, which can be seen as an invitation to rethink our place in the web of life.</p> <p>In a complex system, there is no fixed role of carer or&nbsp;cared for; all parties implicitly care and&nbsp;are&nbsp;simultaneously&nbsp;cared&nbsp;for. In the book &quot;<em>The Ecology of Care</em>&quot;,&nbsp;<strong>Didi Pershouse</strong>&nbsp;focuses on membranes as intelligent, porous structures that regulate a body&rsquo;s permeability to its environment. According to Didi, at the same time as allowing the organ/body to establish exchanges with the environment, the membrane constructs its barriers and limits.<br /> All organisms with biological life have membranes: the food we eat, bacteria, fungi, algae and our internal organs are all made up of membranes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Power Healing