101 Zen Stories: Story #2 — Finding a Diamond on a Muddy Road — The Power of Compassion

<p>Gudo was a renowned Zen master who often travelled and taught people through his encounters. One rainy night he took shelter in the home of a woman whose husband was a drunkard and gambler. Seeing the suffering this caused the family, Gudo kindly offered to help when the husband returned home drunk that night.</p> <p>Rather than scolding or judging the man, Gudo showed compassion. He welcomed the husband and shared a meal and wine with him. As the man slept, Gudo meditated nearby, radiating a peaceful presence. In the morning, the husband awoke clear-headed and deeply ashamed, apologizing to the great teacher.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@selfhelpchampion4/101-zen-stories-story-2-finding-a-diamond-on-a-muddy-road-the-power-of-compassion-a1ae8034d679"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>