The Power of Clothing to Change Emotions

<p>I have always had an inkling that clothing is much more than just fabric used to keep us warm and cover-up. As a toddler, I remember having an emotional meltdown about having to wear a dress to a party. I was extremely uncomfortable in dresses and felt much more at ease in trousers. Maybe it was because I couldn&rsquo;t climb trees in a dress or ride a bike, but I suspect it has a lot more to do with the subconscious symbolic associations with dresses and femininity. I am not the only one who rejected the princess outfit. Kelly, my wife and business partner, also hated dresses as a kid. But in order to conform to society&rsquo;s view on how a little girl should behave and dress, Kelly and her mother had an agreement that on Wednesday&rsquo;s she would wear a dress for library day.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Power Clothing