The real power Brokers in the world are secular people. How can Muslims influence and fight the real power brokers of the world?

<p>The world&rsquo;s most influential individuals are not necessarily those who follow a specific religion or belief system. Rather, it is often secular individuals who hold the most power and sway in global affairs. These individuals tend to be skeptical of the teachings found within religious texts such as the Bible or Quran, and may even criticize certain aspects of Islam for their perceived limitations on individual freedom and human rights.</p> <p>Despite these criticisms, Muslims around the world continue to assert their voices both online and offline. However, they are often met with resistance from certain groups who view them as overly sensitive or &ldquo;cry babies.&rdquo; This perception may stem from a lack of understanding about the challenges faced by Muslim communities, including discrimination and marginalization based on their religious beliefs.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Power Brokers