Power and Propaganda and Problems

<p>Issues like poverty and violent crime don&rsquo;t happen for purely natural reasons. Biology plays a role, of course. People don&rsquo;t like to think about the role that genetics and biology may play in social problems, but that doesn&rsquo;t make them irrelevant. What often matters more is how those with economic and political power use those things to make things happen. That&rsquo;s what this post is about.</p> <p><strong>How Power Creates Social Problems</strong></p> <p>There are several ways to look at power and social problems. Let&rsquo;s stick with economic power and political power for now. Those are probably the two most important factors at play today. (In this third decade of the 21st century we can&rsquo;t ignore social media and influencers more generally, but that is a topic for another post.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/social-pollution-prevention/power-and-propaganda-and-problems-7129a8229f0b"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>