The Flaw in the Melting Pot Analogy

<p>My dad&rsquo;s people came from Ireland, and my mother&rsquo;s people came from Germany. I don&rsquo;t know much about my dad&rsquo;s side of immigrants, but when my mother&rsquo;s mother landed at Ellis Island with her whole family as a young child, their father told them<em>, &ldquo;From this day on, we speak only English.&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>Although my grandmother and her siblings spoke German amongst themselves, there was a real push to blend in with Americans and show their appreciation of their new country by becoming American and leaving behind their German culture.</p> <p>My mother never learned to speak German. There wasn&rsquo;t much talk about the old country. In fact, the only thing I remember my mother saying about German customs was that her mother used to put real candles on their Christmas tree, because that&rsquo;s how they did it in Germany (is anyone else picturing houses going up in flames?).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pot Analogy