Chapter 4: Postmodern Thought

<p>Early anthropologists participated in colonial efforts to dominate the globe for Europe&rsquo;s benefit and, in order to do this, colonial governments were the first to construct human races and to place these races on a hierarchical scale (Kendi 39&ndash;40)., Ideas surrounding &ldquo;The West&rsquo;&rsquo; versus &ldquo;The Orient&rdquo; were developed by scholars aiming to support white domination across the globe (Said; Lipsitz). This particular worldview influenced the perspective within which early anthropological research was conducted and published.</p> <p>Because the first forms of anthropological research and writing were conducted within this context, students of anthropology need a brief introduction to the European philosophical trends that shaped early anthropology. And, we must address the modern philosophical frameworks that anthropologists have utilized to challenge the early narratives of white supremacy in our field. An understanding of how thought has changed over time will best prepare you to engage with the modern anthropological examination of religion.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Postmodern