PostGIS tips: Working with geometry columns and projection systems

<p>I put these docs together in an effort to help my colleagues at the City of Boston get acquainted with PostGIS.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">You can find Part 1 here</a>.</p> <p>This section walks through adding a geometry column to a dataset, dealing with projection systems, and getting x/y values from a geometry column.</p> <h1>Adding and Populating a Geometry Column</h1> <p>PostGIS stores a table&rsquo;s spatial information in&nbsp;<em>geometry columns</em>. Usually these columns have the word &ldquo;geom&rdquo; floating around in their name. If you select * on a table with a geometry column, the geom column will look like a long series of nonsense.</p> <p>Frequently, long/lat values get stored in columns in a database or spreadsheet. To make these into a geometry column that PostGIS understands, we:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: PostGIS Tips