Minding the Gap. Post Referendum

<p>Australia&rsquo;s referendum in October 2023, is asking whether the indigenous peoples of this land should be recognised in the Australian Constitution and given the right to an advisory body. It has become mired in politics and culture wars and the basic question forgotten. It is hard to pass a referendum in Australia, and only if both major political parties agree. So, there was little chance that this one would pass once it became a political football, and absolutely no chance once the campaigning started. It had me wondering why we are spending money on this pointless exercise, but perhaps it will steer an alternate path to &lsquo;closing the gap&rsquo;. Lest we forget, the issue is &lsquo;the Gap&rsquo; in health, housing, and education levels. We have had a nationally accepted Closing the Gap Agreement for over a decade in which priority one is &lsquo;Formal partnerships and shared responsibility.&rsquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@scameron1/minding-the-gap-post-referendum-1425d314cf7c"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>