X-Men, Post-Krakoa: Sometimes You Can’t Go Home

<p>December of 2019 marked a massive turning point in the X-Men comics franchise. Gone were the days of misunderstood youngsters attending a school for superheroes in New York. The dream of peacefully coexisting alongside and among humanity was over. The Age of Krakoa had begun. And I hated it.</p> <p>To me, the idea of all of mutant-kind sequestering themselves on their own island nation (and eventually on Mars) simply missed the entire point of the franchise. And the sheer number of retcons and selective history necessitated to make it happen were frankly infuriating.</p> <p>It was pitched as Xavier&rsquo;s dream made reality, despite being the manifestation of everything he and the X-Men had stood against for decades. I&rsquo;ve always despised willful misinterpretation disguised as marketing, and this was no different. Couple that with a deluge of constant and confusingly titled events, and my tolerance was quickly exhausted.</p> <p>Naturally, when rumors started circulating that the Krakoa Era was coming to and end, I was elated. And those rumors proved to be accurate, manifested in gloriously flamboyant fashion via the 2023 Hellfire Gala, leading into the current &ldquo;Fall of X&rdquo; event. And while I was excited for the new direction, I&rsquo;d been deprived of an X-Men fix for years, and a few titles a month weren&rsquo;t enough to make up for lost time. So I did the unthinkable: I went back and read some of the Krakoa Era titles at length.</p> <p><a href="https://scottcoffin.medium.com/x-men-post-krakoa-sometimes-you-cant-go-home-ceb7bfbfce01"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Krakoa post