From London to Madrid Post-Brexit

<p><em>&lsquo;Cerrado&rsquo; the sign read. The hostel was shut. Not the ending my throbbing feet needed. I was hot and tired after my first day walking the Camino de Santiago &mdash; Spain&rsquo;s famous pilgrim trail. It was my first adventure in Spain since moving from London and it wasn&rsquo;t all going to plan&hellip;</em></p> <p>It was about a year ago during my annual review that I asked about transferring to a foreign office. I wanted a change from London, a crack at learning a language and an insight into how a foreign office operates. Having worked at Keytree before its merge with Deloitte, Madrid seemed like a perfect option. Keytree personnel were (and are) split between Madrid and London so I had a few contacts in Deloitte Spain I could call. The wheels were set in motion and soon I had a role in Madrid and the necessary partner approvals. Next&hellip; I needed a VISA. I remember my manager harking back to yesteryear &lsquo;in the Keytree days (pre-Brexit) you could decide to move on Friday and be out there working on Monday&rsquo;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: post Brexit