A Tip For Helping People When You Are In A Position Of Power

<h1>When You Help Me It Shows That You Care About Me And Value Me As An Employee</h1> <p>I am sorry, I do not have an answer for you at the moment, but I will be sure to help you find it right now.</p> <p>This is the answer many have given me in the past. An answer that has helped me feel so helped and reassured.</p> <p>When we are new somewhere or in a situation where we work with someone this is how I appreciate someone responding.</p> <p>They care about me and want to make sure my questions get answered.</p> <p>So they take the time to ensure they are answered and care for my wants and needs.</p> <p>My current boss is a rockstar! She is so great about helping me with concerns when needed, and will get them answered right in the moment, even when it is something that&#39;s not in her lane!</p> <p>Of course, she is not perfect and doesn&rsquo;t do this each and every time, but because we are human, she makes sure to do her best as she sees fit.</p> <h1>&ldquo;Not My Line&rdquo; No My Problem</h1> <p>Today I heard the opposite from someone I was talking to. They had a situation where they weren&rsquo;t sure how they were supposed to dress for work one day (because no one told the workers how to dress for that day) and went up to a higher-up to ask about it, and they were told pretty much &ldquo;Not my lane&rdquo;. For those who may not understand that, it pretty much means that it&#39;s not their job so they don&rsquo;t know, end of story no more help than that.</p> <p>Even though this was a minor situation, the individual left not having their question answered, nor directed to someone who could have helped them to find what they needed.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/read-or-die/a-tip-for-helping-people-when-you-are-in-a-position-of-power-6301c160a1b4"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Power Position