How To Create Stunning Photo Portraits In Midjourney

<p>AI-generated photo images can often have an uncanny look about them, especially portraits.</p> <p>So I&rsquo;ve been tackling different prompt ideas, and it does feel like Midjourney is getting really close to generating human-like photorealistic portraits.</p> <p>As I share some of these ideas, I want to call out a helpful prompt resource I used for inspiration which is this Reddit&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">post</a>.</p> <h2>Prompt Crafting Portraits</h2> <p>To start, define the content type with this &ldquo;<em>portrait of&hellip;.</em>&rdquo;</p> <p>for lighting&hellip; I will often use &lsquo;<em>natural lighting</em>&rsquo; to push Midjourney to keep it as natural as possible.</p> <p>Adding camera settings is also an excellent option to capture the photographic quality &mdash; 35mm with an f-stop of 1.8 gets the proper depth of field and subtle lighting.</p> <p><em>&mdash; uplight</em>&nbsp;keeps the photo quality from getting too detailed, we want to keep that soft quality in a photo.</p> <h2>Outdoor Portraits</h2> <p>Here are some examples of outdoor&nbsp;<strong><em>natural lighting</em></strong>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>