Things about Pencil Portrait Drawing

<p>A lot of people get confused between a sketch and a pencil portrait/painting. When drawings are made with minimum use of lines, these are called sketches, whereas when a pencil is used as if it is a brush and gives a paint-like feel and more detailed artwork, it is called pencil painting.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*orlBEfpJ3UiLfuTZq8Ufpg.png" style="height:334px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Difference Between Pencil Portrait and Sketch</p> <p>Many people use a grid method to make a portrait, and many don&rsquo;t use a grid at all. The grid method is when you make a graph (grid) on an image and the same on your drawing paper and try to trace the painting as it is with the help of small boxes.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*mv5ILDFi8r1AHN3mN5PR_Q.png" style="height:510px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Grid Portrait Example</p> <p>The problem with the grid method is that you are not learning the proportion of the face or anything; you are just tracing it from a picture. But those who make things without grids have a greater understanding of form, shapes, perspective, and anatomy. For example, if a person doesn&rsquo;t have ears in the actual reference, artists whose art foundations are strong can make these ears in the painting. So, if you want to draw things from your imagination or want to make a portrait/painting by referring to lots of images, do sketching and learn perspective, anatomy, and lighting.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>