6 Reasons to Quit Porn for Good

<p>This article has nothing to do with religion or morals. It is simply looking at how watching porn can be damaging.</p> <p>A growing number of people are starting to wake up to the harmful impact that watching porn can have on their lives. A big movement has formed on Reddit, and more people have started talking about the life-changing effects quitting porn had on them. More people are beginning to realize that unlimited access to porn has serious consequences.</p> <p><em>Dislaimer: This advice should not be viewed as clinical treatment. Consider seeking professional help from a therapist if you struggle, don&rsquo;t<br /> consider this article a substitute for treatment.</em></p> <h1>My Own Experience</h1> <p>In my early twenties, I experienced long periods without motivation to accomplish anything. I had no motivation to be social, find a girlfriend, go to university, or do anything with my life.</p> <p>Eventually, I started to connect the dots after looking online, and I realized that my compulsive porn use could be the reason behind many of the issues I experienced.</p> <p><a href="https://betterhumans.pub/6-reasons-to-quit-porn-for-good-3ea0c19dc1b3"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Reasons Porn