Police Manage to Subdue a Flesh Eating White Male who has “Superhuman Strength,” But Murder Unarmed Black People

<p>This disturbing story reveals how untreated mental illness can end in a horrific downward spiral of paranoid delusions, violence, and a complete break in reality. Please read with care.</p> <p>In Jupiter, FL, a 19-year-old college sophomore, Austin Harrouff, was home for the summer. His friends and family described him as &ldquo;quirky&rdquo; and as one who &ldquo;would say weird shit sometimes,&rdquo; but nothing alarming. His goofy persona and gentle nature made him all the more endearing; until they didn&rsquo;t.</p> <p>Harrouff is the son of a pharmacist and dentist. As an Exercise Science major at Florida State University and member of the &ldquo;Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity,&rdquo; Harrouff planned to enroll in pre-med school and eventually earn a doctorate. His grades in high school ranged from average to above average, and he was an avid wrestler. However, in the months leading up to his crime, he would write in his journal:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/police-manage-to-subdue-a-flesh-eating-white-male-who-has-superhuman-strength-but-murder-unarmed-b5b76e9dcaa4"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Police Manage