12 Awesome Things the Pokémon World Lets You Do

<p>Pok&eacute;mon is the highest-grossing franchise.</p> <p>Its appealing and colorful universe has captivated children, teenagers, and adults alike since the middle 90s.</p> <p>Many have fantasized about a real Pok&eacute;mon world ever since. Needless to say, such a place would be wonderful, and there are motives to spare.</p> <p>Here there are 12 reasons why living in a Pok&eacute;mon world would be awesome.</p> <p>1 &mdash; You can&nbsp;<strong>surf the ocean</strong>&nbsp;on the back of a rhinoceros. And the rhino can shoot electric bolts, by the way.</p> <p>2 &mdash; If you find a&nbsp;<strong>dinosaur fossil</strong>, you can revive the creature and keep it as a pet.</p> <p>3 &mdash; Ride a&nbsp;<strong>legendary flying dragon</strong>&nbsp;and head out to outer space. There, fight against a human-like alien virus and keep it as a trophy.</p> <p>4 &mdash; Dissolve an organized crime corporation on your own and receive a&nbsp;<strong>Lonch Ness monster</strong>&nbsp;from a scientist to show gratitude for your courageous act.</p> <p><a href="https://elianvv97.medium.com/12-awesome-things-the-pok%C3%A9mon-world-lets-you-do-5f606bba992e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pokémon world