Point Clouds and mergers
<p>A <strong>point cloud</strong> is a set of data points in space. The sensors that generate point cloud, measure a large number of points on the external surfaces of objects around them. Point clouds are used for many purposes, like creating 3D CAD models, formetrology and quality inspection, and for a multitude of visualization, animation, rendering and mass customization applications.</p>
<p><strong>“The sensors that generate point cloud” — </strong>what is this supposed to mean? <em>Are there multiple sensors that generate a Point Cloud ?</em></p>
<p>Yes !! LIDARs are not the only ones. IR sensors, RADARS, SONARs, RGB-D Sensors, along with many others generate a Point cloud.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@er.ujjwalsaxena/point-clouds-and-mergers-b8e9c738f582"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>