Cicero’s podcast

<p>Salve, I am Cicero, a man of wit and eloquence in the grand tapestry of the Roman Republic. In this jovial endeavor, I shall impart upon thee, with the wisdom of the Senate and the mirth of a Roman feast, a decemviral guide to humor:</p> <ul> <li>Like the Roman roads, build your humor on a sturdy foundation of truth, for jests rooted in reality are the most enduring.</li> <li>As Caesar crossed the Rubicon, boldly cross the line of propriety, but tread with caution, for excess in jest is as dangerous as the Ides of March.</li> <li>Craft your humor with the finesse of a Roman sculptor, chiseling away the superfluous until only the essence of wit remains.</li> <li>Be swift in your jests, like the charioteers at the Circus Maximus, for timing is the chariot that carries humor to victory.</li> <li>Channel the spirit of Saturnalia, that joyous festival of revelry, and let your humor flow freely as wine at a Bacchanalian feast.</li> <li>Much like the gladiators of the arena, be prepared to endure both jeers and cheers with grace, for the crowd&rsquo;s fickleness is an eternal truth.</li> <li>Cleopatra&rsquo;s serpentine charm may enthrall, but beware the venomous bite of satire; use it sparingly.</li> <li>Employ the rhetorical devices of our great orators to construct your jests, for words are the tools of your comedic arsenal.</li> <li>Mimicry, like the masks of the theater, can unveil hidden truths through laughter, but do so with respect for the subjects of your jest.</li> <li>Lastly, let your laughter resound through the Forum, for in the realm of humor, as in the Senate, a hearty laugh unites even the most divided souls.</li> </ul> <p>Now, a word from our sponsors</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>