POAP 2019 Recap

<p>Launching POAP on ETHDenver honored the concept of a hackathon. It was really a marathon of non-stop coding and then launch and capture of users.<br /> It was an unforgettable experience and we made it past the finish line triumphantly thanks to the help of many friends. For getting the POAP NFT you had to open a web3 browser and access http://ethdenver.poap.xyz which was a website hosted in the local wifi network and didn&rsquo;t work from the outer internet. It was a nice hack that made us really proud and was also very short lived. Tech-wise it was impossible to scale and the UX made some users water their eyes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/poap/poap-retrospective-of-2019-b5b2181e054e"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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