How Do Plutocracies End?

<p>Most simply, plutocracy means rule by wealth &mdash; from&nbsp;<em>ploutos</em>&nbsp;(wealth) and<em>&nbsp;kratos</em>&nbsp;(power) in ancient Greek, although the term originated not in Greece but in seventeenth-century England.</p> <p>Some have used the term to mean a conspiracy of the wealthy, imagining a bunch of billionaires in leather armchairs sipping fine liquors and orchestrating the course of world history. But, more commonly, when people describe a plutocracy, they&rsquo;re describing a society in which the rich get what they want. Sometimes it&rsquo;s because the wealthiest among us are actively trying to secure their preferred outcomes. But often it&rsquo;s because the gravitational force of their wealth creates advantages for them that even the wealthy can&rsquo;t always see.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>