Top Plazas in Buenos Aires

<p>Buenos Aires is a city full of life and culture, and its plazas are no exception. These open public spaces serve as gathering places for locals and tourists alike, providing a place to relax, socialize, and take in the beauty of the city. Here are some of the top plazas to visit in Buenos Aires.</p> <ol> <li><strong>Plaza de Mayo</strong>: This historic square is the center of political life in Buenos Aires and is surrounded by important buildings such as the Casa Rosada, the Metropolitan Cathedral, and the Cabildo. It is also the site of important demonstrations and political rallies.</li> <li><strong>Plaza Dorrego</strong>: This charming square is located in the heart of the San Telmo neighborhood and is famous for its weekly antiques market and tango shows. The surrounding buildings are well-preserved examples of colonial architecture, making the square a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.</li> </ol> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buenos Aires