How should we enable playful learning?

<p>There&rsquo;s an old wooden computer desk on our terrace at Comini. We had square holes cut out to put in two Ikea trays &mdash; I forget why. Those trays are no longer in, so what we have is a table with two large holes at the top and a small rectangular one at the back, the one used to pass wires through. And this is somehow the favorite setting and stage &mdash; in a place overflowing with playthings of every kind &mdash; for kids to transform with their imagination. The holes become windows and doors to a house where they become bickering brothers and sisters. They become TV characters literally inside a television set, enacting their latest mythological science-fiction absurdist fantasy to a rotating cast of audience members. The table has also been an ATM, a hotel, a salon and a restaurant. To many adults, this is kids just doing their thing. Play, we label it, and move on with our busy lives.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>